Saturday, August 3, 2024


Necropolis of Djoser
Danish Roll
Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost
Po River

Mark 16:15
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”


"The day came when blacks thronged the streets, shouting: 'The Gee-Gee, he ship in the baie!' and when the vessel from SOUTHAMPTON edged into the dock, McKay was there to watch the arrival of the new governor general, and he observed the present incumbent, a tall, slim, good-looking regimental officer in his sixties, waiting in the island's only Rolls-Royce, an impressive Silver Ghost. Now the crowd cheered, for all the top of the gangway Lord Basil Wrentham appeared, almost a twin of the man waiting in the Rolls: tall, underweight, austere, with a military bearing and haughty manner. They must have a factory somewhere in England where they punch out these cookies to impress the colonies, McKay thought.
The new Gee-Gee stood very erect, saluted the ship he was leaving, and came imperially down the gangway, but he did not go to the waiting Rolls; he merelly bowed to his predecessor, acknowledge the salutes of the guard, and looked inquisitively about the crowd. Then having located what he sought, he moved briskly forward, ignoring everyone until he stood face-to-face with Sir Benny Castain. Throwing his arms wide, he embraced the chubby black man as he had done years ago at the end of that resplendent afternoon. 'I guess there must be something extra about cricket that they don't tell you in books,' McKay said aloud as he watched, but he could hardly hear his own words, for the crowd was cheering wildly."~~~James A. Michener. CARIBBEAN. Ch12 Letters of Introduction

Rolls-Royce: Silver Ghost 1907
"In our marine the case is entirely the reverse."~~~Henry Fielding 
Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost 2018

Silver Ghost (Rolls-Royce)
The Gokstad ship at the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway
Chess: "Denmark" "Necropolis of Djoser" "Danish Roll" "Rolls-Royce: Silver Ghost" "Austin" "Dell" "Po River" "Springfield"

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