Friday, August 2, 2024

"Grandma Moses"

"Grandma Moses"

Exodus 33:11
“And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.”

"All Saints, like Trinidad and others, was a Crown Colony, and no one on the island was likely to forget it. It had never had an island legislature such as Barbados or Jamaica had enjoyed, although Jamaica had lost its government after the Governor Eyre disaster, and had reverted to Crown Colony status."~~~James A. Michener. CARIBBEAN. Ch.12 Letters of Introduction

 " 'I cannot believe this!' Sir Benny said, and the men sat down while the sargeant recalled the glory of All Saints' cricket: 'Lord Basil Wrentham, him who who's to serve as our new Gee-Gee, brought a first-rate English team to the West Indies, 1932 it may have been. Four matches. They won handily in Jamaica, had a better challenge in  Trinidad, and won again by a big margin in Barbados. We'd never had a topnotch international match in All Saints, but for the occasion we'd built a new oval, sodded it well, and could offer a first-class pitch.'"~~~James A. Michener. CARIBBEAN. Ch.12 Letters of Introduction

Chess:  "Grandma Moses" "Sacajawea" "Coffer" "Caribbean" "Cricket"

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