Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Palm Springs
Rolls Royce

Matthew 3:17
“And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Cologne Cathedral on the banks of Rhine

“The touchstone of an art is its precision” ~~~Ezra Pound 

"Pushing their way through the muttering crowd, the two men entered the beautifully organized shop, its gleaming counters neatly aligned. But when they looked at the display case that housed the expensive Rolex watches, they saw draped accross it, arms and legs grotesquely extended, the inert body of the shop's owner. Etiene Boncour had shot himself through the head, and his body has pitched forward with such force that it had shattered the glass case.
McKay was stricken by the appalling sight of his dead friend, but Major Leckey took only one hasty professional look, then quickly assumed his aide-de-camp pose. Waving his hand sideways to disperse the gawking onlookers, he snapped out a chain of orders: 'Be about your orders. Go, go! Leave a path there' and he pushed people back to make way for the converted truck that edged its way to remove the dead body to the morgue."~~~James A. Michener: CARIBBEAN. Ch.12. Letters of Introduction

"accusations are not made at random, but form part of a coherent whole"~~~Denis Baly


 Chess: "Mercedes Benz" "Palm Springs" "Palmer" "Cologne" "Rolls Royce"

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