Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Marble Faun

Taylor Swift
Romans 8:39
“Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The faun, Praxiteles




 ¿La estatuaria en MÁRMOL del arte griego REMITE a Rom. 8:39? O sea el Amor de Dios manifiesto en la MAGNIFICENCIA del Ser Humano!! ❤ 

The "marble faun" of PRAXITELES.

Copilot tells me: 

Certainly! The Marble Faun, also known as The Romance of Monte Beni, is a novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1860. It’s the last of Hawthorne’s four major romances. Set in a fantastical Italy, the story revolves around four main characters:
Miriam: A beautiful painter with an unknown past, often compared to women like Eve, Beatrice Cenci, Judith, and Cleopatra. She’s pursued by a mysterious, threatening man who is her “evil genius” through life.
Hilda: An innocent copyist, often compared to the Virgin Mary and the white dove. Her simple, unbendable moral principles can make her severe despite her tender heart.
Kenyon: A sculptor who represents rationalist humanism. He cherishes a romantic affection towards Hilda.
Donatello: The Count of Monte Beni, often compared to Adam. He’s in love with Miriam and remarkably resembles the marble Faun of Praxiteles. The novel plays with the belief that he may be a descendant of the antique Faun12.
The central metaphor in the novel is a statue of a faun by Praxiteles that Hawthorne had seen in Rome. If you’re interested in exploring connections between literature, art, and historical events, The Marble Faun is a fascinating read! 📖🎨🇮🇹

Chess: "Marble" "The Marble Faun" "Taylor Swift"

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