Thursday, June 13, 2024

White Fang

White Fang

1 Peter 1:7
“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:”

 "I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands"~~~Yeats
"You can always judge the quality of a cook or a restaurant by roast chicken."~~~Julia Child


Chess: “Company”  “IBM” “White Fang” “Steppenwolf” “Cadbury” “Juneau” "Don" "Alaska" "Coronel" "Oregon"

However, White Fang's life takes a significant turn when he meets Weedon Scott, a wealthy gold hunter. Weedon scorns at the dog-fights and rescues White Fang from the cruel hands of Beauty Smith. Despite White Fang's initial aggressive behaviour, Weedon reveals a persistent kindness and patience, allowing White Fang to gradually see the benevolence in human nature.
Weedon's kind treatment and constant exposure to positivity lead White Fang to changing his perspective of the world, learning to trust and even love his new master. In Weedon, White Fang experiences the care and affection he has been deprived of for most of his life. This part of the novel shows us the impact of nurture over nature, that even a creature as wild and fierce as White Fang could learn to love and trust.

The Law of Love
The final phase of the novel sees White Fang relocating with Weedon to California, marking his transition from the harsh cold wilderness to warm civilization. His transformation continues, evolving from a feared beast to a cherished pet. He even takes on a protective role, saving Weedon's father from an escaped convict, showing his loyalty and cementing his place in the family.
In conclusion, White Fang provides a gripping view of nature, the wild, and the complexities of living beings adapting to their surroundings. Through the story of a half-wolf, half-dog, Jack London illustrates the power of empathy and kindness in transforming even the wildest creatures. It's an exploration of survival, adaptability, the struggle for existence and the power of love.

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