Saturday, June 15, 2024


Aurora Borealis
 Psalms 27:1
“(A Psalm of David.) The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”





 " ‘TO HELL WITH BURMA' THE SPEAKER WAS RANSOM RUSK SITTING in his mansion in Larkin with a world atlas in his lap. He had been trying to determine what foreign country was a few square miles smaller than Texas, so that he could say in his next address to the Boosters’ Club: ‘Texas is a country in itself, bigger than …’ He had hoped it would be some prominent land like France, but that comparison would belittle Texas, which had 267,338 square miles, while France had a meager 211,207 and Spain a miserable 194,884. No, the true comparison was with Burma, which had 261,789. But who had heard of it?
  Rechecking his figures, he slammed the atlas shut: Hell, the men in our club would think it was in Africa!
  Africa Was much on his mind these days, for he had spent his last three vacations in Kenya collecting trophies for his distinguished African Hall: elephant, eland, zebra. Of course he knew that Burma was not in Africa, but it pleased him to dismiss it in that insulting way: Who could imagine Burma giving Texas competition? Kills my whole point."~~~
James A. Michener: TEXAS. Ch.14 Power and Change.

Chess: "Eland" "Aurora Borealis" "Stockholm" "Texas"

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