Thursday, June 18, 2009

The ability to see things clearly and make sound judgements based on that vision.


Prov. 26:27
"Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him."
Chess: "perspicacity" "frontispiece" "riel:fiel" "railroad"


Definition: The ability to see things clearly and make sound judgements based on that vision.

Usage: This word refers to shrewdness and astuteness based on accurate, wide-ranging observation, as in "He showed considerable marital perspicacity in not introducing the new secretary to his wife."

Suggested Usage: The adjective is "perspicacious" [pêr-spê-'key-shês]. Fred is a perspicacious golfer if he reads up on golf as well as reads the lays and makes good judgements based on all the information he can get.

Etymology: Latin perspicax, -acis, (adj.) "sharp-sighted, penetrating", from the prefix-preposition per "through, over, along" and specio "look", also found in "inspect", "frontispiece", "spectator", "suspect", "species", "specious". The root is of the same origin (PIE *spek- / *spok-) as Greek skop-os "one who watches" (via metathesis of "p" and "k"), which underlies "bishop", "episcopal", "skeptic", plus all the words on "scope".

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