Sunday, October 13, 2024


Punto Rocío
Helen of Troy
Helena de Troya

Psalms 139:14
“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”
"He admired the dexterity with which their host directed the conversation."~~~Joyce

Jorge Luis Borges
En un día del hombre están los días
del tiempo, desde aquel inconcebible
día inicial del tiempo, en que un terrible
Dios prefijó los días y agonías
hasta aquel otro en que el ubicuo río
del tiempo terrenal torne a su fuente,
que es lo Eterno, y se apague en el presente,
el futuro, el ayer, lo que ahora es mío.
Entre el alba y la noche está la historia
universal: Desde la noche veo
a mis pies los caminos del hebreo,
Cartago aniquilada, Infierno y Gloria.
Dame, Señor, coraje y alegría
para escalar la cumbre de este día.

 The showdown at Tara in 980 was like the Super Bowl of ancient Ireland. Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill, the Irish MVP, faced off against the Norse Vikings, who had set up their Viking HQ in Dublin. Long story short: the Irish won, and the Vikings got their helmets handed to them. This wasn’t just any win—this was the one that signaled the Vikings were losing their grip on Ireland and the Gaelic Irish were back in the game. After the dust settled, Norse leader Glúniairn (also known as Járnkné, which probably sounded much cooler back then) had to admit defeat and officially acknowledge Máel Sechnaill as the High King of Ireland. And it wasn’t just a “you win, good game” situation—Glúniairn had to agree to pay up and follow Gaelic rules like a proper guest.
But wait, there’s a twist: despite the Irish win, Dublin got its official start as a Norse city in 988. Turns out, the Gaelic and Norse weren’t just enemies; they were frenemies. Dublin, originally a Viking hotspot, ended up becoming a major trading hub where these two groups mixed things up. Thanks to the peace treaty between Glúniairn and Máel Sechnaill, everyone calmed down enough for Dublin to thrive as a booming market and cultural hub. So, Dublin’s rise to city status shows that even back then, when cultures clash, sometimes they also cash in—together!

Chess: "Dew" "Dewpoint" "Rocío" "Punto Rocío" Helen of Troy" "Dublin" "Unicorn" "Development"

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