Friday, September 23, 2016

Route 66

Route 66
Fabio Herrera
Fernando Carballo
Rick Wakeman
Michel Temer
Professor Moriarty
Problem Solving
Bill Gates
San Isidro

James 1:2
"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;"

 "But no chain is stronger than its weakest link."~~~ Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear: Ch.1 The Warning

 Jean Baptiste Greuze: Jovencita con Corderito. 
Este cuadro es del artista francés Jean-Baptiste Greuze. Titulado "La Jeune Fille à l'agneau" (Joven sostiene un cordero).En la novela "El valle del terror" de Arthur Conan Doyle se sitúa detrás del escritorio del Profesor Moriarty, quien habría pagado una fortuna por su adquisición.

 Jean Baptiste Greuze:
Innocence (1790)
La gestuelle, l’expressivité des visages, les mimiques constituent la dimension la plus apparente chez Greuze mais n’interdisent pas la sensualité. Diderot le remarquera le premier. Certains ont ensuite parlé « d’ambigüité » dans la peinture de Greuze. On voit mal de quoi il s’agit, sinon, peut-être, de l’ambigüité de celui qui regarde.

"All knowledge comes useful to the detective," remarked Holmes.
"Even the trivial fact that in the year 1865 a picture by Greuze
entitled La Jeune Fille a l'Agneau fetched one million two
hundred thousand francs--more than forty thousand pounds--at the
Portalis sale may start a train of reflection in your mind."

"Six thousand a year. That's paying for brains, you see--the
American business principle. I learned that detail quite by
chance. It's more than the Prime Minister gets. That gives you
an idea of Moriarty's gains and of the scale on which he works.
Another point: I made it my business to hunt down some of
Moriarty's checks lately--just common innocent checks that he
pays his household bills with. They were drawn on six different
banks. Does that make any impression on your mind?"~~~The Valley of Fear. Ch2

 Fabio Herrera 

Fabio Herrera. Wild. 1995. Oleo sobre tela.

Fernando Carballo 

Las madonas de Fernando Carballo: Niña y gato. Técnica mixta sobre madera. 2014

U.S. Route 66

Chess:  "Route 66" "Fabio Herrera" "Fernando Carballo" "Rick Wakeman" "Professor Moriarty" "Salomé" "Santiago" "Gates" "Problem Solving" "San Isidro" "Michel Temer"

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