Thursday, August 28, 2014



"The words of the wicked are to lie in wait for blood: but the mouth of the upright shall deliver them."

LOCAL FOOD MOVEMENT : Britannica says the human digestive system begins at these fleshy bits; mum's the word on where it ends     
Ans.: the lips

"There in a huge kettle of boiling water the lobsters shall be boil'd
         till their color becomes scarlet.”~~~Walt Whitman: Song of Joys

 Maine Lobster Festival. Located in Rockland, ME. Step away from the hustle and bustle. Stay with us in our quiet little coastal town of Lincolnville Beach, Maine. Beach Cottage Inn
Steffi Ellis : 
"Wrong glasses!"

Moorish Muslim Heritage Patio de doncellas - Reales Alcázares de Sevilla, Spain

Hamburg, Germany.

Lipton Tea and Honey Sparkling Sangria Mocktail

 Chess:   “Malibu” “Axiology”  “Lipton” "Lobster" "Langosta"  “Hamburg”  "Sevilla"

“Another time in warm weather out in a boat, to lift the lobster-pots
         where they are sunk with heavy stones, (I know the
O the sweetness of the Fifth-month morning upon the water as I
         row just before sunrise toward the buoys,
I pull the wicker pots up slantingly, the dark green lobsters are
         desperate with their claws as I take them out, I insert
         wooden pegs in the joints of their pincers,
I go to all the places one after another, and then row back to the
There in a huge kettle of boiling water the lobsters shall be boil'd
         till their color becomes scarlet.”~~~Walt Whitman: Song of Joys

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