Thursday, August 14, 2014


Thales of Miletus 
Lignite (brownish-black low grade coal): Fuel

Luke 10:18  
"And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."

"he cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung”~~~Walter Sutton

There was no reason for the accident

Iglesia Del Carmen, Panama City, Panama.

Puente Centenario (2004), Panama Canal awesome country!!!!❤

Panama Dancers using folk dance and hymns of praise.

Thales of Miletus


Magic tap, which appears to float in the sky with an endless supply of water. In actuality, there is a pipe hidden in the stream of water.


Fuente con chorro de agua, Fountain Hills, Arizona. USA.-

Whale Spouts watercolour print from studiotuesday. Wouldn't this series be fun in a little boys room?

The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana is the longest bridge not only in the U.S., but also in the world. It is also the longest over-water highway in the world. The causeway, which is 23.83 miles long, consists of two parallel bridges that cross Lake Pontchartrain in southern Louisiana.

Giant's Causeway - Northern Ireland. We had to leave, we were there in the middle of a hurricane! Simply amazing place, however.

The most fabulous lightning storm I ever saw was over the Panama Canal Lightning storm

1711 - 1776: David Hume (Grondlegger van het positivisme.)


Chess:  "Argo" "Jason" "Caudal" "Causality" "Cauliflower" "Colchis" "Hydraulics" "Causeway" "Panama" "Thales of Miletus" "Lignite"

Lignite, often referred to as brown coal, is a soft brown combustible sedimentary rock that is formed from naturally compressed peat. It is considered the lowest rank of coal due to its relatively low heat content. It is mined in China, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Greece, Germany, Poland, Serbia, Russia, Turkey, the United States, Canada, India, Australia and many other parts of Europe and it is used almost exclusively as a fuel for steam-electric power generation, but is also mined for contained germanium in China. 25.7% of Germany's electricity comes from lignite power plants,[1] while in Greece lignite provides about 50% of its power needs.

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