Wednesday, September 11, 2024


High Altar, Abbey Church, Vierzehnheiligen

Psalms 33:6
“By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth.”


"By the year 1700 the German-speaking countries have once more become articulate. For over a century the disorderly aftermath of the Reformation, followed by the dreary, interminable horrors of the Thirty Years War, had kept them from playing a part in the history of civilisation. Then peace, stability, the natural strength of the land, and a peculiar social organization, allowed them to add to the sum of European experience two shining achievements, one in music, the other in architecture."~~~Kenneth Clark: CIVILISATION. Ch 9 The Pursuit of Happiness 




 "PEOPLE WHO SAW him approach gasped, and one woman stood stock-still and cried aloud: 'Oh my God' All moved aside to give him free passage, and well they might, for none had ever seen anything like him on All Saints Island."~~~James A. Michener: CARIBBEAN. Ch 14 The Rasta Man
Chess: "Acropolis" "Music" "Muses"

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