Saturday, June 6, 2020


Strawberry Shortcake
String Theory
Strawberry Pancakes

"Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard."

Detail from a 15th century altarpiece by Florentine artist Bicci di Lorenzo (1375 - 1452). The altarpiece was bequeathed to the Abbey by Viscount Lee of Fareham (died 1947). It is thought originally to have come from the Capella San Giovanni Gaulberto in Sta Trinita, Florence. The central panel shows the Madonna enthroned, holding a rose, with the Christ Child.

Still Life with a Guitar is an early 20th century painting by Spanish cubist Juan Gris. Done in oil on canvas, the work is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gallery 905.
The work was created in 1913 in the small Spanish town of Céret in the Pyrenees. Céret was popular with artists, including Picasso, who paid a visit there in the same year.

Strawberry Shortcake

Murillo en Chichen Itzá 
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

"We may say of angling  as Dr. Boteler said of strawberries, 'doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did."~~~Izaak Walton: Compleat Angler, ch. v 

Strawberry pancakes

La fachada principal
La sobriedad de la parte posterior del arco de Labná contrasta con la ornamentación simbólica que cubre la fachada: a ambos lados del pasaje se abren las puertas de dos pequeñas habitaciones abovedadas, rematadas por el friso, que  representa unas chozas con alta techumbre de paja, a ejemplo de la vivienda vernácula, lo mismo que los motivos cruzados que evocan las celosías de las edificaciones de caña. Es también símbolo de realeza.

Chess: "Strawberry Shortcake" "Murillo" "Labná" "Fishing" "Angling" "String Theory" "Guitar" "Strawberry Pancakes" "Returns" "Desert-Dessert" "Aguacate"

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