Thursday, October 24, 2013


Montego Bay
Royal Paln
Johann Sebastian Bach
"The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. "

Harry Winston diamond and emerald ring

"In 1731 the situation grew so grave, with daring Maroons actually mounting formal assaults on sugar plantations, that the white planters decided on a drastic counterattack, and launched a major campaign against the mountain robbers. Each plantation was required to contribute arms, money and especially white men or trusted blacks to a militia formed to chastise the renegades. As expected, the distinguished Trevelyan Plantation north of the capital, Spanish Town, contributed many arms, much ammunition and a captain for the force, Sir Hugh Pembroke. He was forty-six that year, military in bearing, his slim form showing to good advantage in the uniform of an English regiment. A descendant of that bold young Officer Pembroke who had suggested to Admiral Penn in 1655 ‘Since the Spanish have thrown us out of Hispaniola, why don’t we throw them out of Jamaica?’—thus adding this fine island to the empire—Sir Hugh loved politics and was an important member of Parliament in London."~~~James A. Michener: CARIBBEAN: Ch.7 The Sugar Interest

 Sweet - by Bea Kotecka

 Georges Hobeika Spring Summer 2013 Ready to Wear Signature Collection

Chess: "Caribbean" "Kingston" "Montego Bay" "Caballo Bayo" "Palma Real" "Royal Palm" "Meridian" "Fugue" "Johann Sebastian Bach"

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