Thursday, January 22, 2009


Exodus 23:19
" The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.

Prov. 3:13
"Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding."

Prov. 6:2
"Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth."

a Fox
As a central character in Aesop's fables, the fox's moral teachings include 'beware of flatterers' and 'it's easy to despise what you cannot get' - invaluable ...
Chess: “CM” “comely” “Camay:cameo:Hope Diamond)” “trove” “Ivory” Darwin and the Tropical Forest (Camagüey:Popeye & Spinachs):

When Darwin left England on the Beagle, he was twenty-two years old. The five-year voyage, therefore, occupied in his life the period of maturing manhood. What it was to mean to him he only partly saw. Before leaving England he declared that the day of sailing would mark the beginning of his second life, a new birthday to him. All through his boyhood he had dreamed of seeing the tropics; and now his dream was to be realized. His letters and his account of the voyage are full of the exuberance of youth. To his friend Fox he wrote from Brazil: “My mind has been, since leaving England, in a perfect hurricane of delight and astonishment.” To Henslow he sent word from Rio as follows: “Here I first saw a tropical forest in all its sublime grandeur—nothing but the reality can give you any idea how wonderful, how magnificent the scene is.” And to another correspondent he wrote: “When I first entered on and beheld the luxuriant vegetation of Brazil, it was realizing the visions in the ‘Arabian Nights.’ The brilliancy of the scenery throws one into a delirium of delight, and a beetle hunter is not likely soon to awaken from it when, whichever way he turns, fresh treasures meet his eye.” Such expressions could spring only from the enthusiasm of the born naturalist.
But the voyage of the Beagle meant more to Darwin than the mere opportunity to see the world; it trained him to be a naturalist. During his five years at sea he learned to work, and to work under conditions that were often almost intolerable. The Beagle was small and cramped, and the collections of a naturalist were not always easily cared for. The first lieutenant, who is described by Darwin in terms of the highest admiration, was responsible for the appearance of the ship, and strongly objected to having such a litter on deck as Darwin often made. To this man specimens were “d—d beastly devilment,” and he is said to have added, “If I were skipper, I would soon have you and all your d—d mess out of the place.” Darwin is quoted as saying that the absolute necessity of tidiness in the cramped space of the Beagle gave him his methodical habits of work. On the Beagle, too, he learned what he considered the golden rule for saving time, i. e., take care of the minutes, a rule that gives significance to an expression he has somewhere used, that all life is made of a succession of five-minute periods.
Darwin, however, not only learned on the Beagle how to work against time and under conditions of material inconvenience, but he also acquired the habit of carrying on his occupations under considerable physical discomfort. Although he was probably not seriously ill after the first three weeks of the voyage, he was constantly uncomfortable when the vessel pitched at all heavily, and his sensitiveness to this trouble is well shown in a letter dated June 3, 1836, from the Cape of Good Hope, in which he said: “It is lucky for me that the voyage is drawing to a close, for I positively suffer more from seasickness now than three years ago.” Yet he always kept busily at work, and notwithstanding the more or less continuous nature of this discomfort, he was not inclined to attribute the digestive disturbances of his later life to these early experiences.
The return voyage found his spirits somewhat subdued. Writing to his sister from Bahia in Brazil where the Beagle crossed her outward course, he said: “It has been almost painful to find how much good enthusiasm has been evaporated in the last four years. I can now walk soberly through a Brazilian forest.” Yet years after in rehearsing the voyage in his autobiography he declared: “The glories of the vegetation of the Tropics rise before my mind at the present time more vividly than anything else.”

Chess: “FB” “fable” “astrolabe” “dictionary” “Webster” “butterfly” “drum” “matraca” “Fiddler On the Roof”
“Peru” “Lima” “Mach Number”
Gen 17 :11 “And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.”
“Machu Picchu” “Vicente Fox” “Many languages are burdened with unnecessary(?) machinery, such as grammatical gender.” (E.H. Sturtevant)
“O signieur Dew, thou diest on a point of fox,/ Except, O signieur, thou do give to me/ Egregious ransom” SHAKESPEARE: Henry V,IV,iv
“Medieval science could be termed ‘totalitarian’; it was designed to corroborate the credo of the regime” (Fritz Khan)
Prov.29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit.

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