Sunday, September 29, 2024

Area of high ground

Area of high ground
San Antonio Mission
Los Angeles 

Psalms 91:4
“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”


“A military vest of purple flowed,
Livelier than Meliboean.” ~~~
MILTON: Paradise Lost, XI, 241
La fragua de Vulcano es una obra de Diego Velázquez pintada en Roma en 1630, según informa Antonio Palomino, durante su primer viaje a Italia y junto a La túnica de José, opinión compartida por la crítica. Ambos cuadros fueron pintados sin mediación de encargo, por iniciativa del propio pintor quien los conservó en su poder hasta 1634, vendiéndolos a la corona en esta fecha, junto con otras obras de mano ajena, para la decoración del nuevo Palacio del Buen Retiro.​ Se encuentra desde 1819 en el Museo del Prado.





Chess: "Veracruz"  "Significance" "Area of high ground" "San Antonio Mission" "Franciscan" "Los Angeles"
The Franciscan missions in Texas were established between 1682 and 1793 by Spanish priests of the Franciscan order. These missions were part of Spain’s efforts to colonize and evangelize the region, which was then part of New Spain. The missions aimed to convert Native Americans to Christianity and integrate them into Spanish colonial society.

A chain of five missions established along the San Antonio River in the 18th century became the largest concentration of Catholic missions in North America. Built primarily to expand Spanish New World influence northward from Mexico, the missions also served to introduce native inhabitants into Spanish society.
Four of the missions (San Jose, San Juan, Concepcion, and Espada) were originally founded in East Texas. As the East Texas missions succumbed to drought, malaria, and French incursions, however, they were relocated to San Antonio.

Alamo Mission San Antonio at Night

The Alamo (1718)
The first and most widely known of these missions was San Antonio de Valero, commonly called the Alamo. It was established in 1718 as a way station between missions already existing in East Texas and other base missions in Mexico. It was well over 100 years old when it became the focal point for the Battle of the Alamo, fought on March 6, 1836. The Alamo will always be remembered and associated with that battle.

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