Saturday, October 20, 2018


Corona Discharge
Arc Discharge
The Bean
Efecto Corona
Arco Eléctrico

 "He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall."

"And this is good old Boston,
home of the bean and the cod."~~~John C. Bossidy

the official name of this structure is called Cloud Gate, and it was designed by the Indian-born British artist Anish Kapoor. It was inspired by the appearance of liquid mercury, and it gets its name from the 12 foot arch in its middle. The arch is supposed give it a gate-like appearance while it reflects the clouds and Chicago skyline. But to me, and likely many others, it’s simply what makes it look like the bean we all know and love.

Corona Discharge / Efecto Corona

Arc discharge/ Arco eléctrico
 The East India Company steamship Nemesis (right background) destroying Chinese war junks in the Second Battle of Chuenpi on 7 January 1841 during the First Opium War between Britain and the Qing dynasty.
 Arc discharge/ Arco eléctrico

 Victorian homes have captured our hearts for over two hundred years now. However, there is so much more than meets the eye behind those dollhouse-like exteriors. This architectural style includes multiple, distinct variations that all deserve a critical look. Read on to learn more about how Victorian home style became a worldwide phenomenon and what makes it so special.

Chess: "Victorian" "Crown Effect" "The Bean" "Efecto Corona"  "Millenium" "Milton" "Corona Discharge" "Electric Arc"

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