11vena vitae os iusti et os impiorum operiet iniquitatem
11 Manantial de vida es la boca del justo, pero la boca de los malvados oculta violencia.
11 La bocca del giusto è una fonte di vita, ma la violenza copre la bocca degli empi.
11 La bouche du juste est une source de vie, Mais la violence couvre la bouche des méchants.
11 Der Mund des Gerechten ist eine Quelle des Lebens, aber der Mund der Gottlosen birgt Gewalttat.
11 Gura celui neprihănit este un izvor de viaţă, dar gura celor răi ascunde silnicie.
11 Уста праведника--источник жизни, уста же беззаконных заградит насилие. 1
1 A boca do justo é manancial de vida, mas a violência cobre a boca dos ímpios.
“Dan Chaucer, well of English undefiled”~~~Spenser
“…it was in the year in which Chaucer was appointed Justice of the Peace that the Great Turk boasted that he would make his horse eat oats on the high altar of St. Peter’s.”~~~J. L. Lowes
Chess: “Jake” “Jacket” “Oats” “Tamerlane” “Comer” “Howard” “King’s English” “Propriety” “Propiedad”